Joan Garry • Provides leadership coaching and advice for nonprofit executives and boards

Sophie Moore
Sophie Moore
May 5, 2023


Mason W.
May 18th, 2023

Joan Garry's methods may work well for some organizations, but it's crucial to remember that one size doesn't fit all in the nonprofit sector. It's worth exploring various fundraising consultants to find the right fit for your unique needs.

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Harper W.
June 21st, 2023

Joan Garry's insights have been instrumental in transforming my nonprofit's fundraising strategies. Her guidance is a beacon of hope for organizations aiming to make a real impact. 👏 #JoanGarry #FundraisingExpert

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Lucas T.
July 6th, 2023

I've heard a lot about Joan Garry, and while her reputation is strong, I'd love to learn more about the specific techniques and approaches she recommends. Can anyone provide some insights or experiences they've had working with her?

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Amelia H.
August 18th, 2023

I've had the privilege of attending one of Joan's workshops, and her knowledge and passion for fundraising are unparalleled. She's a true gem in the nonprofit world. 🌟 #FundraisingMentor #NonprofitSuccess

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